This post is about to choose between SSD/HDD/SSHD.
The full form for SSD-Solid State Drive.
HDD-Hard Disk Drive
SSHD-Solid State Hybrid Dive
The ssd is fastest of all according to every website you visit.However the sshd is very close to it.
The SSD do not have any moving part.So, it does not make any sound and it is very quite.But it is very expensive than SSHD or HDD.
The HDD have moving parts. So, it is very noisy than the other two.And it is also very slow as you can see in picture.But it is cheapest of both.
The SSHD have both specs of hdd and hdd. It is much faster than HDD and a little slow than that of a SSD.
So, if you have a laptop than you should upgrade to a sshd as it is cheaper than ssd.If you have high budget than you can upgrade to ssd.
Here are the benefits of a sshd
2.Very fast boot time.
3. Can transfer data ver fast.
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The full form for SSD-Solid State Drive.
HDD-Hard Disk Drive
SSHD-Solid State Hybrid Dive
The ssd is fastest of all according to every website you visit.However the sshd is very close to it.
The SSD do not have any moving part.So, it does not make any sound and it is very quite.But it is very expensive than SSHD or HDD.
The HDD have moving parts. So, it is very noisy than the other two.And it is also very slow as you can see in picture.But it is cheapest of both.
The SSHD have both specs of hdd and hdd. It is much faster than HDD and a little slow than that of a SSD.
Here are the benefits of a sshd
2.Very fast boot time.
3. Can transfer data ver fast.
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